Company policy
“We promote the culture of honesty and transparency and we share reciprocal respect with our employees, suppliers, distributors and installers. The attention we pay to details and the innovative approach to our work has made us a centre of excellence in the security industry. In order to offer efficient and sustainable solutions, we invest in the continual training of our staff from design to the installation of our systems.”
The CEO’s statement:
LINCE ITALIA operates both within Italy and abroad in a continual evolution geared towards reaching the goals of excellence in terms of product, quality, costs and service levels. The success of our company depends on reaching the goals and our constant commitment to reach them.
LINCE ITALIA’s customer-oriented policy derives from the above-mentioned values, to minimise the negative impacts of its processes on the environment and safety in the workplace, and expressed in terms of: Proactivity – anticipating the customer’s expectations even if not yet expressed; Compliance – meeting the customer’s needs and expectations; Improvement – maintaining the process of continuous improvement of the management systems; Costs – making the product and providing the service in a cost-effective and competitive manner.
Policy rollout:
The intention of LINCE ITALIA’s management team is to roll out and illustrate the company policy so that it is understood and implemented at all levels of the organisation.
Organisational structure:
In order to ensure the long-lasting quality, both of the products and services, to strengthen business development and growth opportunities and to minimise any negative impact of processes on the environment and safety, the organisational structure was divided into six departments: Sales, Marketing, Operations, Admin-Finance, Technical and Human Resources. The organisation also works with a dense network, consisting of agencies, warehouses and support centres, extended throughout Italy.
Quality, safety and environmental management system:
LINCE ITALIA’s management team has structured the management system around the company policy and the organisational framework which is kept constantly up-to-date in order to manage the quality, safety and the environment in compliance with the mandatory and contractual regulations and those assumed by the company as a reference. All the organisation units are responsible, within their sphere of expertise, for ensuring that the rules, procedures and operational instructions of the quality, safety and environmental management system are observed and implemented
Human resources:
Since the value of human resources gives value to the system, LINCE ITALIA’s management team wants the full potential of these resources to be made available and deployed through the motivated use aimed at obtaining proactive and active participation in company activities. LINCE ITALIA’s intention is that this enhancement is obtained and supported by periodic and systematic classroom and practical training activities.
The main processes are assessed in relation to the objectives of improvement, effectiveness and efficiency and monitored by defining appropriate reporting of performance indicators.
Management system review:
LINCE ITALIA’s management team periodically reviews the management systems for quality, safety and the environment, in order to check their adequacy, effectiveness and efficiency, to ascertain the achievement of objectives and results and to assess areas for improvement and any risks deriving from any non-compliance.